This World Mental Health Day on October 10, we’re focusing on unity. Together, we invite you to experience the growth that comes through moving with others.
Our Report discovered that those who use physical activity to connect with others had a 23% increase in wellbeing. Setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, and connecting with community also had a huge impact.
Find out more about how you can increase your wellbeing.
On October 10, we’re donating 10% of our sales revenue to UK charity CALM*. We'll also be matching donations made to Jonny during his Run the Capitals challenge, up to a total of £50k. Find out more.
Together we grow is all about unity—so come move with us. From yoga classes to wellbeing experiences, get involved at a store near you.
Check back soon for a closer look at some of the events that went down.
Running the length of the London Underground in 2023 wasn’t enough for Ambassador Jonny. This year, he's embarking on an even bigger challenge: running 960km, across 5 capitals, in 11 days—sounds easy, right?
Starting in Edinburgh on Sept 12, he’ll cross the finish line in London on Sept 22—all to raise funds for CALM*.
“The support everyone showed me as I ran the London Underground was incredible, and it showed me that we are not alone in our challenges."
Jonny Davies
Ultramarathon Runner, Content Creator, lululemon Ambassador.
*CALM (Registered Charity in England and Wales. Number 1110621).